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    方怀防,男,博士,副教授。1998年毕业于武汉化工学院化工系。2002年考入武汉大学化学与分子科学学院攻读博士学位,期间主要从事样品前处理技术和毛细管电泳在线富集方法的研究。2007年获得博士学位,随后在美国弗吉尼亚大学化学系进行博士后研究,主要从事微透析-毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光和毛细管电泳-快速循环伏安联用检测生物体大脑内神经递质含量,检测药物、环境和基因变异对生物体大脑内神经递质的影响。现主要采用毛细管电泳-快速循环伏安检测开展药物、环境对神经系统发育影响和神经系统病变机理的研究。在《Analytical chemistry》、《Electrophoresis》、《Tanlanta》、《高等学校化学学报》等杂志发表科研论文9篇(其中第一作者SCI论文8篇)。



(1) 样品前处理技术;

(2) 毛细管电泳在线富集技术;

(3) 快速循环伏安检测技术;

(4) 神经科学;

(5) 毛细管电泳-快速循环伏安仪器微型化.



1. Huaifang Fang, Trisha L. Vickrey, B. Jill Venton, Analysis of biogenic amines in a single Drosophila larva brain by capillary electrophoresis with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry detection,Analytical Chemistry, 83 (2011), 2258-2264.

2.Huaifang Fang, Zhaorui Zeng, Lan Liu. Centrifuge Microextraction Coupled with On-Line Back-Extraction Field-Amplified Sample Injection Method for the Determination of Trace Ephedrine Derivatives in the Urine and Serum, Analytical Chemistry, 78 (2006), 6043-6049.

 3.  Huaifang Fang, Zhaorui Zeng, Lan Liu, Daiwen Pang. On-Line Back-Extraction Field-Amplified Sample Injection Method for Directly Analyzing Cocaine and Thebaine in the Extractants by Solvent Microextraction, Analytical Chemistry, 78 (2006), 1257-1263.

 4.  Huaifang Fang, Fangxing Yang,Junling Sun, Yun Tian, Zhaorui Zeng, Ying Xu, Centrifuge microextraction coupled with sweeping to analyze trace steroid hormones in urine samples, Talanta,85(2011)2148-2153

5.  Huaifang Fang, Zhaorui Zeng, Junling Sun, Pressure-Assisted Field-Enhanced Sample Injection with Reverse Migrating Micelles for Analyzing Trace Steriods in MEKC,  Electrophoresis, 28 (2007), 3697-3704.

6. Huaifang Fang, Mingming Liu, Zhaorui Zeng, Solid-phase microextraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis to determine ephedrine derivatives in water and urine using a sol–gel derived butyl methacrylate/silicone fiber, Talanta, 68 (2006), 979-986.

7.  Mingming Liu, Zhaorui Zeng, Huaifang Fang, Preparation and application of the sol–gel-derived acrylate/silicone co-polymer coatings for headspace solid-phase microextraction of 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide in soil, Journal of Chromatography A, 1076 (2005) 16–26.

8. 方怀防, 曾昭睿, 刘岚,庞代文, 毛细管电泳直接分析与水不互溶溶液中痕量物质的新方法,高等学校化学学报, 27 (2006), 856-858.

9.  方怀防,曾昭睿,高效毛细管电泳在兴奋剂检测中的应用进展,分析化学,33 (2005), 881-885.